Our services

Prepare your company to secure more business.

  • How many potential clients visit your company that do not become customers?
  • Are you satisfied that they leave with the best impression possible and feel excited to conduct business with you?
  • What are the factors that a Buyer looks for before, during and post a visit?

I have visited manufacturing companies from all over the world and can assure you that first impressions count. If you would like the benefit of 25 years of experience to conduct a thorough analysis of your company from the perspective of a seasoned Buyer, giving you detailed feedback of opportunities for improvement that will make your business stand out from the competition, then let’s book some time.

The audit will involve detailed desk top research, a review of company marketing information, engagement communications, a full site audit, and a post site follow up, all from the perspective of a Purchasing professional. You will receive a detailed report of all findings with recommendations, and either an in-person report briefing or zoom call to discuss findings as

We can help …

Take your business to new heights